right mouse click

Forum discussion tagged with right mouse click.
  1. cererin

    Question Logitech G Pro - Right Mouse Button doesn't hold/flickers

    I've owned my Logitech G Pro for a year now, but the Right Mouse Button is starting to become more and more of an issue. Whenever I press and hold the RMB, it doesn't stay activated continuously and will often flicker off. This issue started a few months ago, but has grown worse and worse. I've...
  2. T

    corsair h115i rgb platinum

    Guys a silly question but i just want to make sure, i have a asus rog maximus xi formula motherboard and corsair h115i rgb platimun AIO. Must i connect the pump cable to the "cpu fan"" header or the "cpu opt" header or the dedicated "Aio pump" header on the motherboard?