Page 5 - Forum discussion tagged with RPG.
  1. 9

    I think I just eff'd myself

    I managed to sell my holiday nvidia gift bundle on ebay. The buyer requested for an email of the codes. So, I went to my kitchen and scratched it off, well apparently, I scratched to hard, cause one of the codes has a hole in it -.-. Completely illegible. However, it's the only missing one, all...
  2. K

    When i open my D drive then a error message appear.

    when i open my D drive then a error message appear.- "this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions on this computer. Pleease give solution on my E-mail- kbmaurya2009@gmail.com. Althuogh i restored my computer.
  3. E

    Toshiba M645-S4050 random shutdowns

    Hello everyone i need your help all for this problem , after 2 years of buying this laptop its now randomly shutting down and powering on then shutdown .... etc in a loop , this is happening whatever i am running on battery or AC power , also whatever on Bios or in Windows 7 , if i let the...
  4. RushNReady

    will windows 7 programmes be compatible

    Hi there I'm now looking to build a pc. I'm wondering what OS to install I've got windows 7 installed on my laptop, at moment and for loads of programmes on there I would want to inatall on the new pc. On Windows 8, is windows 8 better to have and worth getting instead of 7. I'm happy with 7...
  5. W

    bios update failure

    I updated my bios using winflash ,I followed instructions but when my computer boots it only boots to the bios setup screen and no further. My notebook is an Asus X55A running Windows 8 any help would be appreciated