rtx 3080 dual monitor

Forum discussion tagged with rtx 3080 dual monitor.
  1. ZiousT

    Question Dual Monitor displays going black during gaming ?

    This is a brand new rig I put together and ordered through Cyberpower PC, and so far this issue has been an on and off problem I'd love to get solved. Both of my monitors will all of a sudden stop receiving signal from my computer, but the entire thing will be running like normal, as will my...
  2. Alres3

    [SOLVED] Dual monitor issues - HDMI timeout [Help needed! plz]

    This is frustrating and i've done everything that I could to fix but im here and asking for aid! My main monitor is a BenQ [Rl2455hm] 1080 @ 60 Hz and second is LG 55CX 4k @ 120Hz connected to my RTX 3080 HDMI 2.1 while my BenQ is connected to the display port on my 3080 but on the other hand...