runtime error

Forum discussion tagged with runtime error.
  1. M

    Question Systemruntimebroker unable to read read memory upon shutdown

    So I am getting a rare issue with reading ram on shutdown, not all the time. I noticed it may be 3rd party applications. I do have a 3ed party called hyperx nginuity software. It's been giving me issues such as program needs to be terminated, etc... maybe it could be causing the error as well. I...
  2. I

    Which phone to get and is switching phone plan good?

    Hello I am thinking about switching between an iphone 5s to an Iphone 6 plus or a samsung galaxy note 4. I have an iphone 5s if that was confusing to understand. I like the simplicity of the iphone that is why I have always stick to the iphone since the 3gs to the 4,4s, and now 5s. I do get a...