rx 580 gigabyte

Forum discussion tagged with rx 580 gigabyte.
  1. S

    Question RX 580 8G fan issue

    Well i've got Gigabyte RX 580 8G gpu,and the problem im facing is that only 1 fan of 2 spins...I have lubricated fan last night(and didnt help out),after that i've updated driver to optional and the fan seemed to be up and kicking at full speed again,but this morning after i woke up the same...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] RX 580 Gigabyte startup noise

    So i've bought RX 580 8GB Gigabyte model,but even though card works fine it makes a rattle when system starts( View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XRZFtMjcGs )<=it makes the same exact sound as in this video,and it kinda ticks me off,is there any possible way to fix this or they are just made...