rx 7900 xtx

Forum discussion tagged with rx 7900 xtx.
  1. M

    Question Sapphire Nitro+ RX 7900 XTX PSU Requirements

    Hi forum What PSU do I need to run the Sapphire RX 7900 XTX Nitro+ with an i9 14900K? Will my current Corsair RM1000i Gold from 2018 be sufficient? You can see my PC specs in more detail here: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/B264Yd Thanks in advance Mingusus
  2. F

    Question Unreasonable low performance

    Hi there! During the summer I upgraded my GPU to keep up with the demand of current games, and although it significantly boosted my performance coming from a 1070ti, it seems to be underperforming compared to similar setups. I have struggled with keeping up with the refresh rate of my monitor...
  3. K

    Question Which GPU model of 7900 XTX should I choose?

    Hello! I'd like to buy a new GPU that's gonna last me few years. Currently my PC is connectec to a 1080p144 panel and also to a LG Oled TV so it is connectec to a 2160p120 panel. I'm playing singleplayer games at 4K but below 60 FPS... Anyway I'd like to get RX 7900XTX GPU but I don't know which...
  4. C

    Question System Issues

    Hey, I recently upgraded my system from an RTX 4060 to an AMD RX 7900 XTX. Unfortunately, I installed an old driver version and am now unable to boot. This is the edition I chose (I was told it would be most compatible with my system): AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition Revision Number Adrenalin...
  5. G

    Question New GPU and i7 8700K for 4K 60fps gaming

    Going to buy a gpu and have an i7 8700K, which can cause a lot of bottleneck. However, my goal is to run 4K, which then what I read should affect just as much. Other components are: 16GB Ram Seasonic FOCUS Plus 750W Gold Samsung M2 SSD My goal is 60fps on games in the coming years. The games I...
  6. L

    Question I am confused about PSU connectors

    hey everyone! I'm new to PC building, and have a question about power supplies. Sorry in advance if this is a stupid question, but some preliminary googling didn't give me any results. I have a MSI MAG Z790 Tomahawk, that I plan to use with a i9 13900K. For a GPU, I was eyeing a RX 7900XTX, but...
  7. JoeyDagger

    Question RX 7900 XTX - Driver Crash/Timeout

    I bought this card when it was released and have had issues since day one. In terms of support, AMD has given up on me, and XFX was never helpful. XFX insists I RMA the card again, even after doing so last time had fixed nothing. Whenever AMD Adrenaline Edition or the drivers are installed, my...
  8. Z

    Question How Can I Reinstall Any Graphics Driver after uninstalling All Others?

    I'm building a new computer. I have a 7800X3D and an RX 7900XTX. I cannot get anything to display at all on my screen after it previously had been working. I installed my CPU, RAM, etc. and verified that everything would post. I got into the BIOS but changed nothing. I unplugged everything and...
  9. snakej

    Discussion PowerColor RX 7900 XTX Reference Design

    Hello everyone, I picked up a reference PowerColor RX 7900 XTX from Micro Center, I have 13 days left to return it, I've been trying to make sure my card is not affected by the junction temperature problem. As you can see [Image for reference included below] GPU temps never went above 82 C...