Samsung 950 pro

Forum discussion tagged with Samsung 950 pro.
  1. Logick

    [SOLVED] Samsung 950 PRO + Resizable Bar causing ocassional BSODs

    Ok first my setup: CPU: i9-9900k MOBO: Gigabyte Aorus Z390 Master (updated to latest bios) RAM: 32GB (4x8) Corsair Vengeance LPX c15 clocked to 2666mhz GPU: MSI Gaming X RTX 3090 (updated to latest bios) Boot Drive: Samsung 950 Pro 512gb NVMe (updated to latest bios) When I first built this...
  2. P

    intel q57 mobo xeon cpu

    does the intel q57 mobo support the xeon x3440?
  3. M

    PC randomly reboots

    Hi all, I got a weird issue and I haven't got a clue what to do. My PC randomly goes pitchblack and then reboots instantly. When restarting the windows loadingscreen takes up to 3 minutes, usually it only takes a few seconds. This issue happens when a play videogames and it occurs sometimes 3...
  4. J

    Optiplex 380 help

    Is the bios connected to the Tx3 connector by the graphics card
  5. R

    New NAS setup

    Hey, I'm planning to build a NAS using the parts in this list: [] (I alredy have HDDs and RAM.) I'm not 100% sure on this controller card as I have not done a proper raid setup before. I don't need any raid features just to add extra SATA ports as...