samsung 970 evo plus m.2

Forum discussion tagged with samsung 970 evo plus m.2.
  1. itsthekorean

    Question Dying 970 Evo Plus???

    Hello everyone, I appear to be having an issue with a Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2tb NVME that I purchased August 2023. The issue that I am having is that, whenever I am playing a game like Overwatch or Warframe, the game will freeze and will not fully close. It will then require me to force shut...
  2. Geo1997

    Question Samsung 970 evo plus m.2 not showing up in my bios

    My laptop is an Asus Vivobbok 15 X542UQ. I inserted a Samsung 970 evo plus m.2 ssd into my m.2 slot, but the ssd is not being recoginzed by the bios. I wish to know whether there is a compatible issue with my laptop model and the ssd or whether it is a problem in my ssd System Manufacturer...