Hi there,
Can you charge ASUS ROG Strix SCAR II GL504GV 15.6" 144Hz Gaming Laptop i7 (https://www.mwave.com.au/product/asus-rog-strix-scar-ii-gl504gv-156-144hz-gaming-laptop-i7-16gb-512gb-rtx2060-ac26735) with a portable charger (USB C or any other ?) If so could you recommend me one?
BUDGET : 2300 CAD/ 1750 USD - Preferably CAD because I need it in Vancouver British Columbia.
Basic specs needed :
6 core processor
16gb ram
RTX 2060
Best possible display for color accuracy
Not too big
Good Thermal Performance
Decent Battery
SSD Storage (even if it is in dual config)
I recently purchased an ROG Scar II laptop with a GTX 2070 (not max-q version) and am having issues with an intermittent flicker that appears every once in a while for 1 single frame. The flicker isn't just a black screen, it looks like a thick gray bar going across the middle of the screen. I...