Sega Genesis Emulators

Forum discussion tagged with Sega Genesis Emulators.
  1. MaxBrando76

    Question Occasional rare stuttering / micro freeze on laptop while gaming on emulators ?

    Hi there. I would like to ask for advice or maybe even solution to a problem i am having recently. I noticed some rare micro stuttering while playing 2d games. It happens like once a minute, or sometimes like once every 30-40 seconds, so it's not always there. If i check fps, then it generally...
  2. S

    Opinions on Gaming Build?

    Hey guys, I wanted to know your opinions on my gaming build. I would prefer to stay in this price range if you want to change anything. Here's a link to the build: I'll also type it here: CPU: i5 4670k (Had already bought it) Motherboard...