sff graphics card

Forum discussion tagged with sff graphics card.
  1. unknownnstar-

    Question Can I fit in a low profile GPU into a SFF PC but without a bracket ?

    Long story short, ive ordered an MSI GTX 1650 Low Profile card i found online and am planning to fit it into my Dell Optiplex 5050, but the problem is its arriving with only the full height bracket and no LP bracket. I can't find the bracket anywhere except from aliexpress so ive ordered one...
  2. m056

    Question GPU low profile

    Hi! I have a HP Prodesk 400G6 sff and i wanted to install a GPU. Can I use MAXSUN rx-550 low profile (4gb) without problems with the PSU? (the GPU requires 50W) Idk if it's needed but : CPU: i5-9500 RAM: 1x8gb DDR4 Thanks!
  3. ejumper09

    Question I have a Dell Optiplex 3020 SFF with an i3; will an Nvidia 1050 ti fit into it?

    So I have a Dell Optiplex 3020 SFF running Windows 7 that contains an Intel i3 processor. I really want to insert a graphics card into it so I can enable effects like Windows Aero. I only use the computer for programming and browsing the web, and I have a spare 1050 Ti and I want to know if...
  4. C

    Question Which SFF Graphics Card?

    Hello, I'm looking for an SFF graphics card sub 50 watts for an OptiPlex 7010 SFF. I've been considering options like radon pro wx2100 and a Quadro k1200 and I'm a bit undecided. the system will be used as a multimedia computer and some lighter titles esport games. I'm interested in a second...
  5. Return-of-the-Mac

    Question 4GB GPU for a 240W SFF system - RX560 LP vs GTX 1050Ti LP?

    I'm working on a build based on a restored Dell Optiplex 790 SFF, and I'm not sure what graphics card would be more suitable for it. After looking around, I feel confident that I can narrow down my choices to the MSI low profile versions of both the RX 560 and GTX 1050 Ti, both of which appear...
  6. A

    Looking for Video card

    Someone made a list for a PC for me, and today i was going to order the parts and it turns out the video card is sold out and nowhere else to be found, can you help me find another video card under $250 thats compatible with these. CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($199.99 @...