silent wings

Forum discussion tagged with silent wings.
  1. S

    Question [SOLVED] Dark Rock Pro 4 doesn't work with CPU FAN header

    New build, featuring ASUS Crosshair VII Hero and a Dark Rock Pro 4 on top of a Ryzen 3600x. Plug the silent wings fans from the cooler into CPU FAN header, they spin once and die. Plug the stock ryzen cooler into CPU FAN, it functions normally. Plug the silent wings fans into regular CHA FAN...
  2. D

    Did I Overclock my GPU??

    Hello Companions Dragon here...and today i just overclock my gpu... by the use of Msi Afterburner... here are my settings... Core Clock-200Mhz Mem Clock-335Mhz Current fan speed-49 after the overclocking i checked my (cpu-z) and go the graphics tab and i saw....the core is (653Mhz) when it...