
Forum discussion tagged with silica.
  1. H

    Question Stuffing silica gel sachets inside the protective bags of GPUs and case fans ?

    Hello everyone, I have to store some of my pc parts for long-term due to personal reasons. So I'd like to know is it safe to keep 1-2 packets of silica gel inside protective bags of GPUs and case fans while they are stored. I hope to put 1g or 5g sachets inside protective bags, then store them...
  2. Fire-Wire

    [SOLVED] How to effectively deal with moisture?

    Hi all, I don't know if this is the correct section for this question, but here's the thing: I live in Brazil, and if that's not hot and humid enough, I also live very close to the beach - so add more humidity and a (literal) grain of salt in the air. Recently, I discovered droplets of water...