single GPU

Forum discussion tagged with single GPU.
  1. Brandthewolf

    Question I Have had 4 Monitors die in less than a year

    So For some reason, EVERY monitor i have currently is doing the very same thing, When connected to power, they flash on then shut off, Each 4 of these monitors Were functioning the night before, and due to the heat(Because i live in texas) i put my system into sleep mode manually, EACH time, the...
  2. T

    Question Is It Possible? Two Mice, One Machine

    Community: I am wondering if it is possible to set up one mouse that can be used to play a game on a separate monitor while using another mouse to do other things (coding, surfing, Netflixing, etc.). My specs: I'm trying to use a macro I made in Razer Synapse with my Naga Epic for a game...
  3. T

    Batch scripting Windows 7

    The code below is what I have currently, NET USE G: \\Fileserver1\SHARE\AllShare /PERSISTENT:No IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Error mapping drive G: ) NET USE H: \\Fileserver1\SHARE\Management /PERSISTENT:No IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Error mapping drive H: ) NET USE I: \\Fileserver1\SHARE\Security...