single monitor

Forum discussion tagged with single monitor.
  1. Krissu3212

    [SOLVED] Big green "1" appears on the screen

    Hi, I have a problem here: when I try to drag an internet window on my desktop then it doesn't want to stay still when I release it with the cursor. It goes back to full screen instead. If I crash the window, a large green "1" also appears on the screen. I recently bought a new monitor and...
  2. V

    how much space should there be between a gpu and a radiator?

    Hey. I am building a pc for the first time and I´m building it in fractal designs mini c. I am going to install a 240mm radiator in the front of the case and a gtx 1070 behind it and I was wondering how much space there needs to be between the radiator and the gpu? The cpu cooler is going to be...
  3. T

    how many restarts does it take to damage a motherboard?

    i currently have a H97-D3H from Gigabyte, i have pretty bad OCD on my computer so i restarted a bunch of times on it to get the "perfect restart".My last bios time gets from 11.6 to maximum of 15.1, seems normal? in crystaldiskinfo it says i have 1033 startups on my WDC blue and 1650 hours on...
  4. T

    Building a mini Itx

    Hi im trying to build a mini itx system. This is what i have at the moment: PCPartPicker part list: Price breakdown by merchant: CPU: Intel Core i3-4130T 2.9GHz Dual-Core Processor ($127.49 @ Amazon)...
  5. 2

    Motherboard -5V is at -8.880V ?

    I got some new hardware today and I was wondering if it's normal for the -5V to have a value of -8.880V. I'm a bit concerned since it's the only one that has a bigger value than its label. Here's a screenshot of HWMonitor. If anyone could take a quick look and tell me if it's looking good I...