SLI bridging

Forum discussion tagged with SLI bridging.
  1. M

    Question Quadro P4000 won't SLI pair on SLI ready Board

    For Months I've been trying to get my two Quadro P4000 to SLI Pair with the corresponding SLI Bridge and other different types of SLI Bridges. On the Nvidia website it lists the motherboard I'm using as SLI Ready and even states it as compatible to SLI with the P4000 series. I recently upgraded...
  2. C

    ZOWIE FK1 - Scroll Issue/Question

    Hello all, I hope everyone's well! I've eagerly waited for the FK1 and managed to get my hands on one today - however the scroll wheel is acting a little "weird" - please see below. I can scroll down fine, no problems - but when i want to scroll up - i move one notch, nothing happens, I move...