slow fps

Forum discussion tagged with slow fps.
  1. Inquisitor_greyfax

    [SOLVED] Fps drop after cpu upgrade.

    I recently bought an 1800x I hooked up last night and last week I put in a Vega 64. (Previously 1600/ and 1060) my fps playing basically every game has experienced a 15-20 fps drop since I installed the CPU. I also had situations where frames would stutter for around 3 seconds while playing BFV...
  2. I

    Gt 640 gddr5 vs gt 440 2gb ddr3

    Before you guys come up with suggestions of hd 7770. I wanna tell u something. We own pc .First one with gtx 960. 2nd one with HD 6850. And now the third one with gtx 650ti. For the pc which has gtx 650ti boost I want to replace it with low end reason for this is my younger brother...