Hi all,
I have a user at my workplace who has reported websites loading extremely slowly. I've been to check myself and it's definitely as slow as he says
When he tries to load a website, it'll hang there for about 5 seconds before saying the page has become unresponsive, with a choice to wait...
I want to have some web pages, pictures and keePass(or any password saving app) displayed on the notepad++ tab collection.
I posted ate notepade++ forum a hr ago. So I thought I'd up my chances by posting hear :)
I'm helping my friend build a computer, this is his planned build, is this a good build? Should he change anything? He would like to stay around $1250.
Case Phanteks enthoo luxe
Cpu: Intel Core i5-4690K Cooler:h100i
Gpu: ASUS R9280X or EVGA GeForce GTX770
Motherboard: gigabyte GA-Z97X