small laptop

Forum discussion tagged with small laptop.
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    Question Used laptop in 2019: Macbook vs Windows

    Hi, I want to buy a laptop as my secondary PC. My budget is around 25k-30k INR. After spending some time in research, surely choosing a right Laptop is not as easy as picking parts for desktop. So, I could use some help. My requirement for this as my secondary PC are: small/lightweight, decent...
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    Asus motherboard problem (p5g41c-m lx)

    I'm trying to install windows.But I have this problem. After the booting windows right this point motherboard stops working 10 seconds later screen goes off. Here is the list what I have done: 1)I updated bios 2)I changed all components (PSU,HDD,CPU,RAM) 3)I've tried diffrent windows CD's I...