sound amplifier

Forum discussion tagged with sound amplifier.
  1. J

    Question Upgrading GX AMP

    I currently have an older GX Sound system with 2 speakers and a subwoofer. Recently my cone for my sub tore and I happened to come across another sub but it is a higher wattage. I can control the bass to make it not as loud and not cut out but does anyone know if there is any other PC AMP volume...
  2. Sheev Palpatine

    [SOLVED] Recommendations / Beyerdynamic DT 770 Studio 80Ohm AMP / PRE AMP

    Hi all, I have had a pair of DT 770's since May last year and I have used them all the time on a sound card on my PC. Me as usual being lazy always puts things off. I am upgrading my PC soon and I wanted to boost my headphones limitations that the card is setting. I was wondering if...
  3. A

    Question Headphone amp or SoundCard

    Please help i bought BeyerDynamic DT 990 pro 250ohm headphone My pc : Gigabyte Z170X gaming 7 i used rear 3.5mm for my headphone but i have a problem , When I turn up the volume too much, the bass sound of the headphones distorted headphone speakers shaking and sound very bad in Higher...
  4. B

    [SOLVED] How many ohms does my x570 support?

    I am looking at getting the dt 990 250 ohm headset and want to see if my mobo can support this resistance but can't seem to find it anywhere in my settings, manual or online. I want to see if i can get out of buying a headphone amp if possible. I have a Gigabyte x570 gaming mobo and saw some...
  5. T

    [SOLVED] Can I use a sound card with a desktop amplifier at the same time? Is there any reason not to?

    I recently purchased a pair of 250 ohm headphones, I currently have a reasonably old sound blaster z sound card, whilst this is working fine with my headphones I was thinking about buying a desktop amp just for convenience as well as the fact I am looking to build myself a new pc in the coming...