
Forum discussion tagged with Speed-Link.
  1. Regularjake55

    Breaker keeps tripping because of computers etc.

    We have a room that has our router, a mini fridge, 2 desktop pcs and some other stuff like phone chargers, a clock, and our monitors. The breaker keeps tripping in this room and it is EXTREMELY annoying. And thing is, we can't just "move the stuff to another room" because our computers need to...
  2. H

    Keyboard only works in BIOS

    My keyboard won't work! it works in BIOS but when I load my OS it stops working. The machine is DELL inspiron running windows 10. I have found mluiple people facing the same problem and I have tried ALL the solutions described. I have taken out the battery and held down the power button for a...
  3. D

    Help Want process until I place the mouse to the (X) then

    When I click the mouse on a program( doesn't matter which one), the program start to open but there are blanks spot and it's like the screen is frozen but not. When I move my mouse to the upper top right screen to the (X)( I don't have to do nothing else) then the program opens and to continue...
  4. W

    browsers not working

    i recently had a virus on my PC (windows 7 64bit dell precision t3400) i got rid of it but now whenever i try to access a website Firefox and IE just quickly flash the loading symbol but return to a blank screen my internet works on other programs like internet games and i can ping google. i...
  5. aarbrambilla

    Power supply MSI GTX 960

    Hello. I experienced some troubles lately, with the "Kernel Power" error, and I guess my graphic card (Nvidia Geforce GT440) is the problem, cause it reach 102°C when gaming and "shut down" the pc (the graphic card cooler stops and I get no picture in the screen but the rest of the pc stay on)...
  6. G

    can i transfer bf4 from pc to xbox one?

    Hey bros,so i'm getting a xbox one and i have the bf4 pc version and i don't know if i can transfer it to the xbox one or do i have to purchase it again?how about the stats?am i going to re rank or what?can i transfer bf4 the game and the stats from pc to xbox one?
  7. M

    Need a blue LGA1150 motherboard (around $150)

    Im in need of a motherboard with a blue color scheme. LGA1150, easy overclocker, user friendly bios. USB 3.0 support would be nice. I want something similar to this motherboard. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130693 I was also looking at the MSI z87 gd55, but I cant...
  8. Q

    How can I control cpu fan speed?

    I just upgraded motherboards today and I am wondering how I can control fan speed. I had an Aus M2A-VM board that allowed me to control my fan speed (800rpm or 1800rpm) with asus probe II. I bought a 790fx board from DFI and they dont have such program like Pc Probe II. Any idea? I downloaded...
  9. R

    Yet another buying guide

    Hi, I just created an account and I'd like to ask you a "what laptop should I buy question" considering the following needs: - i7 (maybe i5 too) - up to 16GB possible (up-gradable in the future) - 14.1''-14.9'' screen with HD+ 1600x900 resolution (important) - weight aprox: 4.5-5 lbs / around...
  10. G

    Overclocking Mobo to accomodate ram?

    Hello, I'm buying an Asus P6X58D-E motherboard as part of a gaming rig. I want to buy 2000mhz ram but the board says it needs to be overclocked in order to support the ram speeds. My question is: Is it hard to overclock this board for the ram? I was looking at getting kingston hyperx 2000mhz...
  11. C

    No sound

    Hello, were can i get the sound drivers from for my computer asrock n68c-s ucc