ssd hdd tranfer

Forum discussion tagged with ssd hdd tranfer.
  1. ssinha1125

    Question Transferring OS to new drive and keeping the old one as well.

    I have an HDD and I want to transfer just my c drive to the new SSD. I want to keep all my programs, games and apps. How should I do it? Also there seems to be a logical partition on the drive of 500mb , idk if it has anything to do with this question but thought I'll provide all the...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Moving the BOOT partition(HDD) to SSD (with existing OS partition)

    Is there a way to move the boot partition from HDD to SSD(NVME) while the OS partition is already on the SSD partition without loosing any data and reinstalling w10? When I was installing w10 on SSD, the installer created boot partition on HDD which I didn't unplugged before the installation.I...
  3. J

    [SOLVED] Combine SSD & HDD

    Hi - seeking some help on combining SSD and partition onto a new SSD. Currently: 80GB SSD with Windows 10 boot (C:) 400GB programs partition on 1TB disk (D:) I'm moving to a 1TB SSD to run OS and programs plus space for scratch image editing plus 1+3TB for storage. Question: How do I best...