Start up problem

Forum discussion tagged with Start up problem.
  1. I

    Question PC suddenly ran into BSOD and now it won't power up

    I was using my PC for work and all of a sudden it ran into a BSOD with stop code: KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE. After this, it went straight into the recovery screen with the following error: File: \windows\system32\config\system Error code: 0xc0000098. I wasn't able to do access anything on...
  2. B

    Question Is my Asus dead?

    Bit of a tricky one here but am hoping I can get some advice. I installed a windows 11 update yesterday and now I am unable to get my taskbar/start button back. To make matters worse, because there is something going on with my display (when my laptop starts up it's only in a black screen) I am...
  3. S

    PC isn't working after CPU upgrade

    Recently I bought myself a new CPU, the AMD FX 9590, I fitted it and appeared to have no problems there, I put on the thermal paste and installed my new heat sink and fan, it all was in correctly. I then turned on my PC and started using it. I logged into windows 7 and launched a game, it...