Stopping blue screen of death

Forum discussion tagged with Stopping blue screen of death.
  1. A

    [SOLVED] Automatic Repairs loop

    So just recently I have upgraded some of the parts of my PC. Those being the Mobo, the CPU and the in which I purchased an AM4 Mobo for the Ryzen 3600. Installing went fairly simple but when I booted it up I kept getting constant “Automatc Repair” loops. I’ve tried everything in advanced...
  2. Noldii

    Question Pls Need help withWindows Bsod error

    Hello! Its been 4 days since ive build my very first gaming pc and installed a fresh windows 10 on it l. I also downloaded some drivers for my motherboard and Geforce experience as well. I started playing fortnite the other day when suddenly a blue screen of death appears saying memory...
  3. F

    Dell Inspiron 9400 CPU Upgrade

    Hello, I have this 17' laptop. It has a dual core Intel CPU right now which runs at 1,83 GHz (Intel T2400) It also got a AMD Radeon Mobility X1400 GPU and 1 GB or RAM. Can I upgrade that CPU to i5? I have a i5 2nd gen from another Dell laptop. I'm not sure what version of i5 is, I only know is...