
Forum discussion tagged with storing.
  1. Technoidy

    Question Storing PC in a basement long-term?

    So last year I built myself an expensive ($2k+) gaming PC. Now I'm going to be moving to a campus for around 18 months or more, where I can't bring anything with me. So I'm in the process of getting rid of my stuff, but a friend is going to let me leave a couple boxes of stuff in his basement...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] Compressed canned air - does the product last less longer if you keep the straw attached to the nozzle?

    I was curious if doing so would affect the life span or effectiveness of the product at all if stored like this overtime.
  3. J

    Question Keeping Computer off for 15 months

    Hi everyone. I would love to hear your advise on the following. I am a grad student who built my own computer about six months ago. I am taking a year off to do an internship and I have two options for my computer. 1. Store in someones closet nearby in boxes for the next 15 months or 2. ship...