Stuck at POST

Forum discussion tagged with Stuck at POST.
  1. G

    [SOLVED] Stuck in American Trends POST. USB Keyboard doesn't connect. Can't access BIOS or Windows

    TL-DR (too long didn't read) summary here in the bullet points: PC is stuck at POST with a "NO Keyboard Detected" message. I can't get into the BIOS or Windows. USB Keyboard doesn't work on any USB port, though other devices do connect / light up on USB ports. I have no PS/2 ports, and there...
  2. F

    [SOLVED] stock intel i5-4590

    Hello guys can you help me i buy new cpu mobo and ram the new cpu is i5-8600k but without stock intel cooler :S :S ... Did the i5-4590 stock cooler will be compability with i5-8600k and asrock z370 killer sli