
Forum discussion tagged with Studders.
  1. M

    [SOLVED] Help fixing pc after AIO installation, problem remains after removal of AIO?

    As the post describes I recently installed a AIO (Corsair H100i) specifically and ever since my pc had been studdering, randomly having slow downs where the pc is clearly thinking, and FPS issues going from 15-100 frames no matter the game or settings. I even uninstalled the AIO thinking Icue...
  2. S

    TridentZ vs Ribjaws [current deals w/ links]

    Not sure if there's any difference, more or less noticeable difference, but this is what I'm looking at buying: TridentZ: on sale through tonight Ripjaws V Both are around the same price as the TridentZ is on sale. I don't plan on OC'ing, and it will be used for mostly gaming with multi-tab...