
Forum discussion tagged with Stupidity.
  1. B

    Question Replacing a fried motherboard component via microsoldering ?

    I was messing around with the RGB header on my Gigabyte B550M DS3H motherboard but forgot to power the system down (stupid I know). When I plugged in the 4 pin RGB cable into the "LED_CPU" header, magic smoke came out of the surrounding circuitry and absolutely fried this component. I'm...
  2. A

    Question Delivery Man Threw My Brand New CPU Over My House's Gate... What Are The Odds It's Now Dead?

    Apparently the guy was on a rush and just threw my new Core i3-10105F over my home's gate and electrical fence. The package landed a few feet from the gate inside the yard. I oppened the box carefully and inspected everything inside, there is no visible external damage to the stock cooler or the...