surround headphones

Forum discussion tagged with surround headphones.
  1. Iver Hicarte

    [SOLVED] What's a good TRUE 7.1 headphone?

    Good day, I'm currently looking for a pair of TRUE 7.1 surround sound headphones not one of those virtual 7.1 headphones that comes with BS software. I want something that is just plug and play, no BS software. Also, I prefer wired ones and ones that comes from a reliable and reputable...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Windows sonic or 7.1 surround sound

    Hi everyone so I got the Corsair hs45 surround headset that supports 7.1 virtual surround and it’s sounding really good compared to stereo. I play over watch and some other games and of them in over watch I turned on the Dolby atmos for headphones and am getting really great spatial awareness...