system agent

Forum discussion tagged with system agent.
  1. SSargsyan

    Question System Agent not found in BIOS

    Hi guys. There is a PC, motherboard Biostar H61MGV v7.0. i3240 processor. I go into the BIOS, but there is no SYSTEM AGENT (it used to be). As usual, some items disappeared or disappeared. What could be causing this and how can it be resolved? I've scoured the internet but can't find anything! I...
  2. rodrigo.barbacovi

    [SOLVED] No System Agent Configuration in Asus(Prime B450M) BIOS

    PC Specs: Gpu EVGA 1070 Cpu Ryzen 5 3600 Motherboard Asus prime b450m - gaming/br - Bios version: 1804 Ram: 16gb ddr4 I have 2 monitors, the 'secondary ' one uses VGA that my gpu doesnt support, so I would like to use the VGA output from the motherboard, but for that I would need to enable...