system boot problem

Forum discussion tagged with system boot problem.
  1. N

    Question Really Weird Issue with RAM and System Failing to Boot Most of the Time

    Motherboard: ROG STRIX B550-F GAMING Memory: 2×8GB Patriot Viper 3200MHz (kit) + another 2 modules of the same brand, model, and speed (not part of a kit) I had to replace my CPU—a 5600X that died (I tested it in another motherboard, and it didn’t boot at all)—with a brand-new 5700X. With the...
  2. sandeept07

    [SOLVED] Green light is on but PC doesn't boot ?

    Hello, I have purchased a brand new PC (only cabinet part) in September 2020. Configuration is as follows, Intel core i3 9th gen 3.6 Ghz Gigabyte H310 Motherboard WD 1TB Sata Kingston 8gb ddr4 ram Nvidia 2gb GT710 Inno3d Artis Cabinet and smps It's having a weird problem. When I start it...
  3. C

    [SOLVED] System starts and turns of before post

    So, about 2-3 weeks I've had problems with my PC booting. The problem began after I re-installed my Windows. When it turns on it immedietly turns off before showing a post screen and then cycles on and off about 4-5 times. After that it starts normally and the system is usable and I have not...