system cooling

Forum discussion tagged with system cooling.
  1. V

    [SOLVED] Which System Cooling Fans Should I Buy?

    What are some decent & budget RGB cooling fans from this store --> I will be buying 6 of the same fans to fill up my Corsair Crystal 460X Case ( Non-RGB Standard Version ) The fan mount locations: Front: (x3) 120mm or (x2) 140mm...
  2. O

    Low fps on CS:GO with good pc

    I used to be getting around 300fps+ on CSGO with these specs. i5 6500, GTX 960 4GB, Crucial Ballistx Tactical DDR4 8gb and a Gigabyte H270 Gaming 3 motherboard. I've lowered my settings to the lowest but on 1920x1080p. I didn't have this problem a month ago. I'm currently getting around 100-150...