system files

Forum discussion tagged with system files.
  1. codemilly

    Question Deleting partition/system files where OS is installed but keep the files in 2nd partition

    Hi y'all. I'm planning to install Windows 10 on my old PC using a new SSD. The thing is the old PC's boot drive is using an HDD. The HDD has '2' partitions. 1st partition is for the OS and 2nd is for the storage. I want to keep the files from the 2nd partition but delete only the OS files from...
  2. T

    [SOLVED] Why is the 'documents' folder on my computer stored on my HDD (D drive) rather than my local disk (C drive)?

    Hi, I noticed that the quick access folders for documents, pictures, downloads, videos etc are all located on my HDD drive (for storage) rather than my OS drive. Does this mean I still have old windows components (files and folders) on my HDD (I used this for my OS before I bought an SSD. I...
  3. Viking20

    [SOLVED] Is There a Way to Delete Multiple Windows 10 System Files?

    So I've downloaded and installed Windows 10 on multiple hard drives, originally on an HDD then upgraded and moved it to an SSD and so on. So is there a way to get rid of duplicate files that are just sitting on my old hard drives to free up space and just get rid of them? If there's a...
  4. ozzy_7

    [SOLVED] I think I just bricked my netbook...

    Ok, I really fudged up this time. I was attempting to downgrade from Windows 10 Professional to Windows 7 Ultimate on my Acer TravelMate B-115M. I'd done it several times before on different PCs, laptops and netbooks. I wanted to do as fresh and clean of an install I could do, so I chose...
  5. H

    Does my router's lan port limits the wired speed to the same as the wireless max?

    I have a 300 mbit/s max speed router but soon I'll get a 500 mbit/s wired connection. I'll use my router as a switch, so the wire comes in my house, go into the router and I'll get the connection from the router with wire for my PC. Will the router limit my wired connection speed (so it's lan...
  6. J

    what xeon is better for gaming

    hey, what is better for gaming? Xeon w3520 or Xeon w3565 thank you for answer :)
  7. K

    Are transcend rams good for laptop i have purchased ddr3l 1600mhz ram should i return it or keep it with me.

    I have recently purchased transcend 4gb ddr3l ram,but when i search for best rams it usually says for kinston corsair,is transcend a bad brand should i replace it with other ram or should i keep using it.
  8. I

    What is livecomm.exe and how do I remove it?

    My computer has been freezing a bit recently and under my resource monitor there is this livecomm.exe that uses a lot of my cpu. When i try to disable it, it just starts back up again saying its suspended. Any idea what this is and how to remove it?