themal compound

Forum discussion tagged with themal compound.
  1. Andyus86

    Question Vega 56 nano PCB thermal pad

    Hello, tomorrow i will get a sapphire Vega 56 pulse and i'm figuring how to optimize overvall temperature, expecially VRM one. A guy suggested me to buy thermal pads, so i bought some with 3mm thinkness. I want to be sure to know the best spot where to apply then, he said in the rear card...
  2. J

    Question Does thermal paste on stock cooler becomes yellow

    So today i bought a new CPU cooler whose seal was opened by shopkeeper to show me contents of box. When i opened the box at home i saw that thermal paste on that stock cooler was little yellowish in colour and looks dirty and applied more than what should be. Manufacturing is mid 2018. Can...