thermal controle

Forum discussion tagged with thermal controle.
  1. martinmigeot

    Question How to maintain a GPU for as long as possible ?

    Hey everybody. I recently bought two RTX3090 and a Corsair 1600W power supply to build a render computer for a 3D project. The project is now coming to an end and those two 3090s have both worked around 700-800 hours in the last ten weeks, averaging 70°C for the top GPU and 85°C for the bottom...
  2. R

    Question Are my idle PC temperatures high?

    Hello, I have an Alienware GTX 1080 Aurora R7, and there is this tab on my task bar called "Thermal controller". I assume that is what it tracks my temps at. Now, my PC is rather quiet I would say, but I do not know what a loud or quiet PC would be defined at. I can hear my PC fans, but it...