Thermal Sensor

Forum discussion tagged with Thermal Sensor.
  1. newlinuxguy

    Question NVME Thermal on Static 70 Celsius

    Screenshot and DxDiag in Google Drive link. My NVME is currently showing an all STATIC 70 Degree Celsius. Literally does not move. I have done several BIOS tests on the hardware as well as some diagnostics for bad sectors (even though I'm not sure how's that related) but nothing seems to be...
  2. X

    Are all 23-inch monitors exactly the same?

    I have an asus vh238 23-inch monitor and i was wondering if i got another 23-inch monitor will the two 23-inch monitors be exactly the same size or should i just get the same monitor
  3. T

    no boot asus ramapge gene iv and nvidia gtx 780 oc ii

    Good morning everybody. I have bought a pc by components and when i install all parts and i torn on the pc, while all the fans , and the leds of the pc turn on, there is no signal on the screnn. The pc is made of I74930k 32 gb ram Asus ramapage gene iv Nvidia gtx 780 dc ii oc Corsair 750w power...