
Forum discussion tagged with thumbnails.
  1. derekullo

    Question Slow thumbnail loading speeds ?

    I have a ZFS XigmaNAS I setup at work using an Optiplex 7040. CPU: i7-6700 RAM: 16 Gigabytes of DDR4 Storage: 2 500 gigabyte sata SSD in a mirror I can write files to it at gigabit speeds and read/open 130 megabyte photos in about a second... no issues there. One of the folders on the NAS...
  2. J

    Question PDF thumbnails showing black lines in Explorer!

    Hello everyone, Has anyone experienced this problem before, where I have PDF thumbnails that display black lines when viewed from the Explorer? The pdfs are fine, though...
  3. sonah

    [SOLVED] How to Disable these Taskbar Thumbnails?

    Hi when I move my Cursor over the Taskbar I get these Thumbnails, How to Disable theme please?
  4. B

    [SOLVED] New PSU causing boot up problems?

    So I bought a new PSU and replaced my old one that was about 4 years old. After hooking it up, my windows doesn't want to boot up and it stays on the loading screen for like 5 minutes before it starts. I have an 840 EVO SSD , and before it was loading in 20 seconds. Is it possible that a brand...
  5. L

    Prebuilt System Upgrades

    Good morning guys, After being a lurker reading many many threads and posts i decided i would create a post to get the great knowledge you offer directly to my question rather than bits and pieces that apply to me. After taking about 5-6 years out of the PC gaming era i am not back after being...
  6. J

    Monitor wont display anything

    Alright guys i need real help here. So i was upgrading my pc processor from i3 to i7 4790k And when im plugging my hdmi cable to my gpu, it didnt display anything. So i tried plugging it on my motherboard and its works. While on bios, im tried changing my integrated display to PEG. When i...
  7. batpinkyman

    What do you think about my new build?

    PCPartPicker part list: Price breakdown by merchant: CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($191.98 @ Newegg) Motherboard: ASRock H97M Anniversary Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($51.98 @ Newegg)...