timing out

Forum discussion tagged with timing out.
  1. U

    Question Timing out from all games

    Hey y'all, I have a problem where I always time out from my games no matter what I try, it disconnects me and I'll have to reconnect back again after 10-15 seconds. I am connected to the internet via ethernet cable and I've had this issue for the past few years, even when I've moved houses and...
  2. whyruabeach

    [SOLVED] Graphics card keeps timing out, any solutions

    so I just built my first computer https://pcpartpicker.com/list/svvXBc. I had an older video card installed and just installed AMD Radeon Pro W5500 8 GB Video Card. Before it times out it makes like a soft noice like it's trying to work. I have literally used it once and the graphics card keeps...