tripple monitor

Forum discussion tagged with tripple monitor.
  1. Spacelion

    [SOLVED] Triple-monitor setup for GTX 1050Ti ?

    Hello I need help, I'm planning to do a triple monitor setup for my work, I have 2monitors now and Im planning to add 1 more for my work, So my 1 monitor is 75hz IPS 23.8 inch and 1 Huion pen display Kamvas pro 20, I'm Planning to add 1 more 75hz IPS 23.8 inch, is it fine with my GPU and PSU...
  2. C

    Will my computer be able to run newer games?

    I've been looking at building a new computer for gaming, however I'm on a budget. Below is the parts list. PCPartPicker part list: Price breakdown by merchant: CPU: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor...
  3. J

    Questions about compatability

    Hey guys I am wondering if all these components are compatible, if they are not can you give sufficient replacements? Thanks in advance! I5-4690k 3.5ghz GeForce Gtx 760 sc acx 2048mb Corsair Vengence Blue 8gb (2x4gb) 120gb Samsung ssdm 840 EVO series 2.5 inch +Intel+Z97/Asus+Z97I-PlusIntel Z97...