turn on issue

Forum discussion tagged with turn on issue.
  1. C

    Question Gigabyte Aorus GA-Z270X-Gaming 7 EVGA 650P2 Post-power loss intermittent refusal to turn on/post at all

    i7 7700k; Gigabyte Aorus GA-Z270X-Gaming 7 (rev. 1.0) / F9e bios pretty sure, but that hasnt seemed to matter; 16GB TridentZ (model # not handy, findable on request); Graphics Unplugged/not doesnt seem to matter; storage media connected also doesnt seem to matter connected or not; Closed loop...
  2. Thriliya

    Question Computer won't turn on till I unplug from PSU

    I've gone through the sticky and old post. But my problem is slightly different. There's no sudden shut down or any of sorts. I would use the computer and shut down normally. Then when I'll try to turn it on the next day it won't turn on. So I'll have to unplug the power cord from the PSU and...
  3. A

    Question PC doesn't turn on

    Hi I have a problem with my PC which it doesn't turn on I tested the PSU with a neon screwdriver and it looked like it worked Also I tested some parts and connections of motherboard with a neon screwdriver and that parts turned it on I checked the connections between PSU and motherboard but...
  4. JMcEntegart

    Overclockers Breaks Records with Gigabyte's Z87X-OC

    Gigabyte boasts of new records set using its motherboards Overclockers Breaks Records with Gigabyte's Z87X-OC : Read more