ok so 2 months ago i changed out my cpu cooler (Hydro Series H100x High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler) to a newer one (h100i elite capellix liquid cooler). It worked great till the other day. it seems to lose power every so often, like all lights shut off on it (pc Makes that noise of a device...
System specs:
CPU: i7-4790k
MoBo: Asus Q87M-E
GPU: Vega 64
Ram: (mixed) 16Gb
PSU: EVGA G5 80+ Gold
More info:
I've tried several things to solve this issue. Everything I try seems to work... but only for a couple of days before the problem creeps up again. Last three things I've tried:
Around a month ago, suddenly my PC would freeze, that I cant do anything other than turn it off physically. This happened both when PC was idle or under load. However, this issue automatically resolved.
Then now, I'm having a new issue. Also happens both when idle and under load, also when...
auto restart
Auto Shutdown
freeze at bios
on and off
on and off cycle
ram 1600
restart after shutdown
restart after sleep
turnsbackonturns itself off
turns itself onturns off auto
Turnson and off