
Forum discussion tagged with Tweak.
  1. mmzf

    [SOLVED] How to tweak Windows 10 efficiency ?

    I have Dell Precision M6400, with an 5400rpm hdd, and Core 2 Extreme QX9300 processor, due to some drivers support and issues i cannot move to linux, i was experiencing many issues so have to go back to Windows and windows 10. I use win 10 debloater from Christitustech from github, by which i...
  2. DirtyTommy

    [SOLVED] Enyone knows some gigabity gaming x b550 BIOS TWEAKS?

    Hi! I have gigabity gaming x b550,so its new to me.I bought it coz of 5600x. I need help with BIOS settings for better performance( no results for my problem.) Thanks!
  3. jibinjcb7

    are there any fixed lifespan for intel processors

    I heard that intel 6th gen onwards there is a fixed lifespan for them built in their chipset , is it true or uttter blunter
  4. M

    How to control the fans speed of a cooler pad without speed fan control button?

    Hi, I have just unboxed my new cooler pad for my laptop,but I realized that it doesn't have a button for controlling the speed of the dual fans,so I would like to know if there is a software which could control the speed of the fans! Please help me! Thanks in advance! Best regards!
  5. deeznutsforpresident2016

    Bridged Modem/Router to router at 2nd building at back of property

    So basically I have a bridged cisco modem/router that provides wifi to the main house. In the main house, there is a "open house" ethernet network panel that takes the ethernet connection and splits it to either floorboard ethernet ports, or in our case today, the 2nd building. At this second...
  6. F

    Should I use a Corsair RM650 in my Gaming PC Build

    I was thinking about getting a ghetto CX750M Power supply for a new gaming rig (4790K + GTX 970) but then I saw that RM PSUs were not that much more expensive. People buy them so much, but on professional forums they're often criticised for bad quality ( though not bad quality control in favour...