
Forum discussion tagged with #underperforming.
  1. HuskyZ

    Question CPU is performing way under expectations ?

    I have noticed for quite a while that my CPU has been slow in game, causing spikes or really low fps, my temps usually fluctuate around 67-70 degrees celsius when playing games, so i cant figure out what the cause would be. My power plan is already set to max performance, and i clean my case...
  2. PleaseHelpWithPc

    Question I5 12400f 3070 Bad Fps

    Just updated to the latest bios update and i also redownloaded windows. Here is the benchmark: https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/6580613 i get bad fps like 100 unstable in fortnie with low settings. Updated my Drivers too. I bought this pc used for 1 year.
  3. C

    Question Gaming PC Severely Underperforming

    Good afternoon, About a week ago, I was playing Remnant 2 and noticed a pretty noticeable fps drop, along with a lot of stuttering. I tested out a few more games (Cyberpunk and Wo long) and these issues were also consistent. I originally purchased my PC pre-built during the GPU shortage and...
  4. superjohnny33

    [SOLVED] 3080ti underperforming

    I have an i7 9700k, gigabyte 3080ti, 16gb ddr4 3600mhz ram by trident (2 8gb sticks), aorus pro z390 motherboard, and an 850w psu. On a 144hz display 1080p (plan on upgrading to a 1440p 144hz). My system seems to be underperforming at every game it seems. Playing valorant I only got around 150...
  5. Swiizy

    [SOLVED] Scoring low compared to other sytems on time spy

    I did a time spy bnechmark earlier today to see if my system is running how it should. Mine: http://www.3dmark.com/spy/21299556 Others: https://www.3dmark.com/spy/10367926
  6. Arctical

    [SOLVED] PC will not boot every other time.

    A few months ago I built a custom PC. If the PC boots, everything runs fine, and there are no problems. The thing is that every other time when I boot the PC, the screen will not be recognized. Sometimes I first see the bios bootscreen (sometimes even the windows boot screen), but after a few...
  7. SeanK135

    [SOLVED] How to fix ram under preforming

    Hi! i recently built a pc a few months ago and noticed that the ram was not preforming to the standard it should be... its runnung at 2111mhz instead of 3000mhz , i havent reakky gone messing around with it as thats a little out of my comfort zone but maybe 1 of you guys can help! My ram is...
  8. H

    Question My PC is under performing by a good amount, I have no clue why.

    Hello, recently for some reason I have just lost a lot of performance in my PC and I have been using this for 2 years, my specs are 1070 ti, cpu is G4560, Motherboard is a STRIX Z270H Gaming, and 16 gb of ram. I use to be able to play fortnite at 200 frames plus no lag or frame issues and gta 5...