Idle temperature is around 40 and under load the highest I've seen is 89. On average it's around 75.
I understand these CPUs are rated up to 95 but I was looking to get the temperatures down so I can lower my fans speeds and reduce the jittering in games when under max load.
Looked into...
Hey everyone, so recently I undervolted my laptop to fix it being slower than it could be, and while I will do that to my Desktop CPU as well, I was wondering if there is anything else I can do to get at least somewhat significant improvement since this one doesnt have laptop limits, without...
Hi, I have just got myself an i7-13700k and tried undervolting it, I only know about the offset voltage so I lowered it till the cpu was stable, Earlier it was fetching 1.48~1.5 volts, now around 1.3
Could you look at my bios settings and see if I need to change anything else from your...
Hi. I have a Chinese X79 board and am trying to find out if a normal X79 board will give me the ability to undervolt locked CPUs like the E5-2XXX series.
I know the unlocked versions, like 16XX allow voltage changes, but I'm particularly interested in the 2XXX V1 - V2 series and was thinking...
I've this PC that my father brought like 6months ago and having Thermal Throttling problem like forever. I've tried to Undervolt it by reducing Clock and Voltage, It seems to work at first but, this morning it start to act up by BSODing with something like "Clock Watchdog Timeout" or...
Hello everyone!
I'm a new here. Recently I've got a new laptop Lenovo Ideapad 14" with 13700h CPU. I like the laptop, but CPU is very hot and it makes laptop to run fans frequently, even with Turbo Boost disabled. What I've done:
1. Extracting the BIOS into txt file
2. Finding features that are...
I have an i7 13700k paired with RTX 4070ti.
The idle temps are good (35C - 40C) and even while gaming the temps generally never go above 75C. But whenever I try to run a stress test or benchmark the temp instantly jumps to 100C.
In order to fix this a lot of the people in the community suggest...
Okay, lets make this quick
i7 8700 /w Pure Rock Slim
ASRock B365m Pro4-F
2x16 Vengeance 2666 CL16
Kingston NV1 1TB
EVGA 750 GA Gold
Windows 10 64 Bit
Was hitting boost clock limit and games and benchmarks, so wanted to remove the voltage limiter. B365 needs A-Tuning...
Can anybody give me guidance regarding undervolting my i7 7700K on Asus Strix Z270 using bios. I have zero experience regarding undervolting CPU's so don't want to fry anything .