unkown error

Forum discussion tagged with unkown error.
  1. n3v3rwint3r

    Question PC randomly shuts down without BSOD and regardless of load ?

    The essence of the problem: At any moment, regardless of the load on the PSU, the PC turns off without BSODs, until you drop the residual voltage, you can't turn it back on, the reasons for such abnormal behavior are still unclear, this has not been observed before. The peak consumption on the...
  2. K

    Question Pc randomly froze

    So I was wathcing a video on youtube when my PC was randomly frozed. You know, the typical voice is gliching nothing responding one. I had to use the power button holding trick to shut down my pc. I tried to start it again and it wasn't finding the boot drive, several times. I even tried to...