unmountable boot volume

Forum discussion tagged with unmountable boot volume.
  1. IsDevvy

    Question BSOD and GPU problems ?

    this may be a loaded topic, or a simple fix. fair warning. I fully rebuilt my computer about a month and a half ago. It’s been working great until yesterday, where I suddenly got a BSOD when booting up the computer, showing stop code “unmountable boot volume”. I had upgraded literally...
  2. D

    Question Unmountable Boot Volume

    Hai, I'm using Asus TUF a15 laptop with ryzen 7 4800H with 3050 Graphic card. My issue is : This morning i updated my windows 11. And was trying to get games from torrents and it went messy and gave me a prompt to restart my pc. I did. But then feel into infinite loop of Stop code error ...
  3. P

    How to turn off VSync from Nvidia Settings?

    Hey guys. I play all my games in 60 fps capped and I have vsync from ingame turned off but I still play with 60 fps. Should I go somewhere in nvidia control pannel and turn something off? Pls help. I use a GTX 1070.
  4. O

    Is this replacement mobo decent?

    Replacing a full ATX mobo because the PCI-E slots stopped working on mine. The mobo im looking at is this...
  5. F

    Gaming Rig Build Advice - First time builder

    I'm looking to build my PC by EOY. Hoping to see some deals around Black Friday/Cyber Monday. The main use will be gaming, no video editing. Most play will be WoW, but I'll pick up the occasional big release (FC4, Diablo, etc). My main concerns: upgrade-ability, performance, easy to...
  6. S

    Very Strange Windows Boot Troubles

    Hello, I have an ASUS P5W DH Deluxe motherboard. I have one hard drive plugged in. I recently wiped it using the dd command in Linux. I am trying to install Windows now (from a flash drive), but Windows does not boot if I plug in my Hard Drive (to the motherboard.) However, it boots just fine if...