
Forum discussion tagged with unusable.
  1. N

    Question Problem while installing Windows 10 on my Dell Latitude laptop

    So I have a problem when trying to install windows 10 on my laptop. I was using windows 11 for a while but got tired of it and decided to go back to windows 10. So I got my flash drive with the installation files, got windows installed without any problems, except the fact that I can't use it...
  2. C

    Question Consistent Internet Drops

    Last year, we've been getting good internet connections, re-setting it was seldom. This year, we've been getting more and more internet disconnection. As of Summer of 2019, it has just gotten worst. Our customer support told us that it was time to upgrade from the XB3 model to the XB6 model and...
  3. K

    Cannot Boot after update

    Hi. Sorry for my bad english. I already update the windows and then restart it self. When screen showing "Preparing to configure windows" after a minute it get bluescreen. Fault in nonpaged area, Failed : SbieDrv.sys. Try to back previous windows, can't. Installing new windows, can't, must...
  4. Jonathanese

    Upgrade my GPU with my new monitor?

    Ok, so my current GPU is the GTX 970 STRIX. I created and flashed an overclock so it is only a percent or two behind the 980. Which has been far more than enough power for my 1080p 60Hz monitor. However, two things have happened since then. My younger brother got a core i7 6700 system with 12...