upgrade suggestion

Forum discussion tagged with upgrade suggestion.
  1. Bozo_

    Question My i5-7600k is not cutting it anymore ?

    What cpu should i upgrade too? I am looking to spend no more than 350$. I have a GeForce rtx 2060 and 16gb of ram. I have a Prime z270-k motherboard and am willing to upgrade it if i have to. I want to upgrade to something that has at least 6 cores. My main games are rust, gtav rp (FiveM), and...
  2. THBronx

    [SOLVED] ~$750 for PC Upgrade - Suggestions needed (1440p gaming / video editing)

    Hey y'all! I'd like some suggestions for my PC upgrade. - Budget: Between $700 ~ $750 USD for a: CPU + Motherboard + Ram - What am I going to use it for: My initial plan is gaming (Triple A titles) in 1440p (after updating my monitor at the end of the year), editing videos (vlogs, gameplay...
  3. T

    How do you get HDDs with drivers and OS pre-installed?

    Is there any website that I can buy HDDs with drivers and OS already downloaded, Or could I buy a USB connection cable and hook it up to a different computer than the one I want it on and download it through that? Will that cause a problem when I hook it up to the motherboard I want it on in the...