USB ports dead

Forum discussion tagged with USB ports dead.
  1. A

    Question all of my usb ports don't work, cant use mouse

    all my usb ports don't work. I have tried multiple mouses, one port connects for a few seconds at a certain angle but stops again - how do i fix this?? is there any bluetooth like mouses that don't require anything plugging in? not having a mouse is honestly unbearable it limits a lot i can do...
  2. Re0x

    [SOLVED] Need help -- some USB ports not working

    I recently bought a new wired aftermarket xbox controller, played a little bit with it and then it suddenly stopped working (i had it connected in a port in the back of the pc) okay, i tried to take it out, put it back in in the same port, didnt work. Tried to put it in the front ports, didnt...