used computer

Forum discussion tagged with used computer.
  1. pandaparlor

    Question Should I avoid buying a Thinkpad T480/T480s due to the Thunderbolt Firmware Issue ?

    I've been meaning to buy a used Thinkpad T480/T480s for a while because of its build quality, user serviceability, ubiquity, price, keyboard, and etc., but I've kept hesitating due to one issue: Its thunderbolt/USB-C firmware. From my understanding of it, apparently there's a bug in the...
  2. G

    Sell a complete desktop(i7+2080ti+16GB+128ssd)

    I want to sell my pc and I used it for a year, but I don't know how much the computer can sell, I hope you guys can help me estimate the price. Except for the Storage and Video Card, the others were purchased from my friend. This computer can play COD16(90fps+), BF5(85fps+), GTA5(70fps+)...
  3. consptheory77

    Question Used Optiplex 7010 won't boot into BIOS?

    I bought a used Dell Optiplex 7010, with the case/motherboard/processor/fans/RAM, no HDD. It powers on, there is power to the monitor, power to the keyboard, the fans are turning, I tried booting it up with both a blank SSD and a blank HDD, both were initialized and formatted, tried to load...
  4. sirgray

    Question Want to upgrade, what is the value of my old unit?

    I want to upgrade to a new cpu since I'm having performance issues when I try to stream. I was thinking of selling my old pc to my girlfriend to help fund my new build. I want to give her a fair price so I am curious what value my current setup would be in Canadian dollars. Cpu: i7 3770k OC'd...
  5. P

    Question My lan driver and device manager are both blank

    My lan driver and device manager are both blank. I add my wireless wifi adapter it's not working but when I plug internet cable my internet is working .i want to use wifi adapter how to solve this problem?
  6. Y

    Front panel M5a 78l mlx

    I got a green light to the mother board and Im pretty sure I didnt connect my front panel right I got it to boot up once but I saw smoke and turned it off. Trying again after a while of it just sitting just really want to play I misplaced my pcie connectors and I was wondering if I could run a...
  7. P

    I'm looking for a great motherboard

    Hi, I'm building a game computer, and I've taken a liking to the MSI Z97A GAMING 7 motherboard, but for some reason i can't find a place to buy it for a reasonable price. Please tell me if you know where they went, also is it a good MB, or should i stay away from it? And if you have any...
  8. S

    Looking to get a pc for gaming and would really like some help! My budget is around $400 for everything I need.

    I wanna get into pc gaming yet only have $400 budget and no moniter. Really want to play games like arma3 and dayz.